History of Villa dei Cedri

The Villa dei Cedri is a Veneto villa designed by Luigi Canonica of Milan (the architect whose works include Foro Bonaparte, the Milan Arena and the Carcano Theatre) and built at the turn of the nineteenth century.

When the villa was restored, rooms of various sizes were created on the upper floors. As a result, it can host even the most demanding customers in an exquisite and elegant setting.
In 1943 Field Marshal Erwin Rommel took it over as his residence and used it as the German headquarters for all of northern Italy. The halls on the ground floor of the villa welcome guests in an aristocratic yet relaxing setting. The Villa dei Cedri is the ideal venue for meetings, corporate events, ceremonies and more, as it boasts large rooms with a particularly elegant atmosphere.

The Villa dei Cedri is situated in an enormous park and its windows overlook the grounds.
The park will charm plant lovers because it has rare species of trees that are easy to identify, as there are detailed signs under the most important ones. The park has two small lakes and a modern thermal pool that is also open for night swimming on certain days.

There are several hydro massage pools on the grounds. Note: The residential complex is approximately 7 km from the Peschiera del Garda exit of the A4 Brescia/Venice motorway and is very close to Lake Garda’s popular theme parks, such as Gardaland, Caneva World, Movie Studios, Parco Zoo Safari and Parco Sigurtà.

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