Terms and Conditions of Sale

Terms and Conditions of Sale

General Terms and Conditions of Sale on online purchase and payment at www.villadeicedri.it.

Villa dei Cedri S.p.A. offers its customers the opportunity to purchase on its website, stays, tickets, combo, packages and its own products. Stays can be purchased through the Simple Booking book engine, with specific policies. For the other products, the sale is managed by a proprietary platform and is assimilated to so-called distance sales.

1) Scope of application

These general sales terms and conditions apply to web sales of the products and packages as identified and listed under the headings

COSMETIC PRODUCTS (https://www.villadeicedri.it/ita/shop_creme.php)  
2) Products

The products and packages and their prices presented under the above headings constitute an offer to the public.

Purchase contracts entered into on the site are concluded with Villa dei Cedri S.p.A.

3) Prices

All prices of products or packages displayed online are inclusive of VAT.

Villa dei Cedri S.p.A. reserves the right to change at any time, and without notice, the prices of products or packages online as well as to change or delete products and packages from its online catalogue at any time at its own discretion.

4) Orders

Purchase orders are made through the "On-line Ticket Office", divided into Park Entrances, Wellness Centre Entrances and the "Gift Ideas" Section.

The procedures on the site require the customer to fill in the order by choosing the quantity of product to be purchased and entering any discount codes. The customer must fill in a form with the data necessary for invoicing and shipping the order. Upon confirmation, a summary is proposed with the products ordered, the purchase price and data entered. Having verified the appropriateness of the order and accepted these Terms and Conditions of Sale, the Customer may create the order and the system redirects him/her to the virtual POS for payment, at the same time sending the order summary to the email indicated in the form.

5) Payment and execution of the order

The purchase contract is concluded with the successful completion of payment, which is made on-line by credit card, and the order is processed upon receipt of the payment made.

6) Shipping

For admission to the various facilities and for so-called GIFTs, Villa dei Cedri sends the tickets in the form of e-tickets or vouchers by e-mail. Shipping times are simultaneous with the purchase on the website. If several services are included in the same voucher, these must be used on the same day. Reservation regulations, introduced due to limitations of places or availability of treatments, must be observed where applicable.

Delivery times for products vary between 3 and 5 working days.

Shipment is made, in Italy only, normally at the consignee's expense by courier; the goods travel at the customer's risk, under no circumstances is Villa dei Cedri S.p.A. responsible for any delays in delivery.

Shipping costs or their gratuitousness are adequately highlighted at the time of purchase.

At the time of delivery the Customer is required to check the integrity (e.g. absence of tears, breakages, breakages, etc.) of the package(s) as well as the correspondence of the package(s) with the one(s) indicated on the carrier's letter.

Signature of the delivery document implies unreserved acceptance of the goods by the customer. Any disputes must be raised immediately with the carrier; failing this, the product shall be deemed to have been delivered correctly.

7) Duration and extensions

Titles in the form of electronic tickets or vouchers that allow access to Villa dei Cedri services have a limited validity in time, stated on the titles themselves, after which the right to use the services lapses. No refund is due for unused services.

The Management of Villa dei Cedri reserves the right to extend the expiry date of the tickets, or part of them if they contain several services/products, provided they have not yet expired/been used. Extensions are excluded for promotions. There is only one extension of the titles for one or more months up to a maximum of 4. The extension will be against payment and the cost will be determined according to the further expiry date granted and the ticket price in force at the time of the request.

8) Right of Withdrawal and Exclusions

The activity of e-commerce is assimilated to so-called distance sales and therefore, pursuant to Article 64 of the Consumer Code, the Consumer has the right to withdraw without penalty and without specifying the reason within the term of fourteen (14) working days from the day after the purchase.

It is specified that "Consumer" shall mean any natural person who, in relation to the contract, is acting for purposes other than his own professional activity.

Therefore, there is no right of withdrawal for legal and natural persons acting, in relation to the purchase contract, in a professional capacity.

Distance selling concerns cosmetic products and tickets or admission tickets for services offered by Villa dei Cedri.

8.1) Cosmetic products

The deadline for exercising the right of withdrawal begins on the day the consumer receives the products.

The right of withdrawal is exercised by sending, within the aforementioned term, a registered letter with return receipt addressed to Villa dei Cedri S.p.A., Piazza di Sopra, 4 - 37017 Colà di Lazise (VR) or by PEC to the address villadeicedri@pec.villadeicedri.com.

For contracts concerning the supply of products, the substantial integrity of the product to be returned is an essential condition for the exercise of the right of withdrawal. The consumer is required to pay the postal charges necessary to return the product.

Villa dei Cedri S.p.A. will refund the consumer the sum paid as indicated in the original order net of the costs for the first dispatch. The costs of returning the products are the responsibility of the customer.

8.2) Tickets or admission tickets

The right of withdrawal cannot be exercised on the purchase of any admission ticket purchased from the On-Line Ticket Office (https://www.villadeicedri.it/eng/ticket-online.php) and the Gift Ideas section (https://www.villadeicedri.it/eng/idee_regalo.php). Since this is a supply of services relating to leisure activities with a specific date or period of performance indicated on the admission ticket itself, pursuant to Article 59, I, lett. n) of Legislative Decree 206/05 and subsequent amendments and additions, the right of withdrawal set out in Article 52 thereof does not apply.

9) Guarantees

Villa dei Cedri S.p.A offers Warranty in accordance with the terms of the Law both to the Consumer and to the non-consumer Customer.

10) Communications

Any communication may be addressed to Villa dei Cedri S.p.A., through the e-mail address villadeicedri@villadeicedri.com.

11) Competent Court

Any disputes relating to the interpretation or execution of this contract shall be resolved exclusively by the Court of Verona or as established in favour of the Consumer by the Consumer Code.

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